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Federal Tax ID (EIN) Application (2024-2025)

Apply For A New Federal Tax ID (EIN) Number Online in 3 Steps

Obtain a new Federal Tax ID (EIN) Number for your business quickly and easily using our simplified 3 step Tax ID (EIN) Application Assistant. We are not affiliated with the IRS, we work only for you to help prevent errors commonly made during the application process and insure a smooth filing experience. Upon IRS approval, receive your EIN electronically to print and start using immediately. Fast, Easy and Secure!

Step 1. Select a Legal Structure


Tax ID (EIN) Number (FAQ):

You will need a new EIN Number when:

  •  Forming a New Business Entity
  •  Opening a Business Bank Account
  •  Applying for Business Licenses
  •  Hiring Employees
  •  Operating a Partnership or DBA
  •  Forming a Nonprofit Organization
  •  Forming an Estate or Trust
  •  Filing Federal Income Taxes

An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also knows as a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States for identification purposes. It is the equivalent of a social security number for a business.

Businesses like LLCs and Corporations are considered separate entities and as such they need separate EIN numbers. However, registering multiple DBAs under one business entity allows you to do business under multiple names using one EIN. 

A sole proprietor can only have one (1) EIN assigned to them and is bound to that EIN for life, like a social security number. Although a sole proprietor can file for multiple Doing Business As (DBA) names, they would all use the same EIN.

There is no need to hire an attorney to file your for your EIN. You can use a streamlined service like NFS US for a fraction of the cost of an attorney, saving you a great deal of time, money, effort. Although we cannot offer legal advice, we can provide helpful information about the most common startup questions and help simplify the initial application process.

How to Apply:


Step 1. Complete our EIN Application Assistant

Our easy to use EIN Application Assistant simplifies the EIN application process, and can be completed in under 10 minutes.


Step 2. We process and file your EIN Application

Our experts will prepare and file the forms to officially obtain your new EIN from the IRS, and insure all filing requirements have been met.


Step 3. Receive your EIN Number electronically

Your approved! After approval, receive your IRS issued business EIN Number electronically, bundled with any additional documents selected.

Here are a few reasons why you should choose our value-added EIN filing service:

Just like you, NFS US is a small locally-owned business. With almost over a decade of experience in business formation, our goal is to help start your business with the confidence that's done accurately. We bundle multiple services together and provide you with dedicated support making your business startup fast, easy, and free from costly errors. Guaranteed!


We help prevent commonly made errors during the application process and insure your EIN is delivered quickly and securely.
We prepare the documents necessary to obtain an EIN Number from the IRS on your behalf.
We monitor  the status of your application after submission to the IRS and notify you promptly of any status changes.
We assist in updating your information on record with the IRS for up to 12 months.
We supply you with a copy of your Form SS-4 upon request containing your information as it was submitted to the IRS.
We provide you with a backup copy of your EIN Number should it be lost or misplaced.
We help you obtain a copy of your official EIN Verification Letter should your original become lost or misplaced.
We perform a domain name availability check and help register your business domain.
We help prevent errors commonly made during the application process to insure your documents are filed with the IRS quickly.
We provide outstanding customer support via email, and telephone support during call-center hours; Monday - Friday 9 AM - 7 PM EST.

Step 2. Complete Application

Enter the business name
Name of your business should match the state filing
A brief description of the services your business will offer
If using an additional DBA name
Enter the Estate Information
Enter the Trust Information
Enter the business information
Enter the LLC Information
Enter the Corporation Information
Check each item that applies to this business
Enter the responsible party information
Enter the business's physical address
Enter your contact information

Step 3. Payment Information

Select a processing option
Your EIN Application will be processed within one (1) business day
Your EIN Application will be processed the same day it is received
Your EIN Application will be processed within 60 minutes

By submitting this form, you authorize NFS US to charge your card for the one-time fee specified above and agree to our refund policy.

Enter your payment information

Billing Address